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66 W Flagler St Suite 310, Miami, Florida 33130

66 W Flagler St Suite 310, Miami, Florida 33130

Located steps from the courthouse! Move-in ready 1,110 SF office space located directly across the street...
Located steps from the courthouse! Move-in ready 1,110 SF office space located directly across the street...
Coral International Realty
28 W FLAGLER ST, Miami, Florida 33130

28 W FLAGLER ST, Miami, Florida 33130

Downtown office building across the street from the Courthouse connected to covered parking on site manag...
Downtown office building across the street from the Courthouse connected to covered parking on site manag...
Realty Hub

The listings above for commercial real estate in Miami area zip code Zip 33130 may be filtered by property type - retail, industrial, multifamily, office, or land, or for businesses for sale only - by clicking on the buttons above the listings. Listings in this site can also be filtered by municipality, zoning, building square feet, and lot square feet. You may also want to view the 278 off-market / non-MLS listings - this off-market non-MLS listings section is another proprietary development by Hawkins - in the Downtown / Central Miami zone, which includes this zip code 33130.