Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease in Zip 33020 Page 7 of 7

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Listed: 1804 Sherman St, Hollywood, Florida 33020

Prebuilt office space for lease in East Hollywood FL. From approx. 600 - 2,400 SF available. Greta locati...
Prebuilt office space for lease in East Hollywood FL. From approx. 600 - 2,400 SF available. Greta locati...
Current Capital Realty
Listed: 1918-1920 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, Florida 33020

2,000 to 4,000 sq ft of empty space. Will suit many types of businesses. Located in the middle of downtow...
2,000 to 4,000 sq ft of empty space. Will suit many types of businesses. Located in the middle of downtow...
RE/MAX 5 Star Realty
Listed: 2843 Pembroke Rd, Hollywood, Florida 33020

Quiet, Secure building. New Floors. Perfect for small professional businesses such as Attorney, Accountan...
Quiet, Secure building. New Floors. Perfect for small professional businesses such as Attorney, Accountan...
The Keyes Company
Listed: 1940 Harrison St # 200, Hollywood, Florida 33020

Executive and renovated office space from 350sqft to 1500sqft.Located at Downtown Hollywood close to rest...
Executive and renovated office space from 350sqft to 1500sqft.Located at Downtown Hollywood close to rest...
Lifestyle International Realty

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