Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease in Zip 32696 Page 1 of 1

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Listed: 2351 NE 120th Ave, Williston, Florida 32696

20 acre parcel with 24 Stall Barn (160’ x 48’) which is up on a hill making it ideal in rainy...
20 acre parcel with 24 Stall Barn (160’ x 48’) which is up on a hill making it ideal in rainy...
Real Estate Sales Force
Listed: WILLISTON, Williston, Florida 32696

WILLISTON, Williston, Florida 32696

This prime land opportunity offers an area of 13,939 sqft (0.32 acres). Ideal for developers and builders...
This prime land opportunity offers an area of 13,939 sqft (0.32 acres). Ideal for developers and builders...
Canvas Real Estate
Listed: WILLISTON, Williston, Florida 32696

WILLISTON, Williston, Florida 32696

This prime land opportunity offers an area of 13,939 sqft (0.32 acres). Ideal for developers and builders...
This prime land opportunity offers an area of 13,939 sqft (0.32 acres). Ideal for developers and builders...
Canvas Real Estate

The listings above for commercial real estate in Miami area zip code Zip 32696 may be filtered by property type - retail, industrial, multifamily, office, or land, or for businesses for sale only - by clicking on the buttons above the listings. Listings in this site can also be filtered by municipality, zoning, building square feet, and lot square feet.

View zip 32696 listings by property square feet: less than 2,499; 2,500 to 4,999; 5,000 to 9,999; More than 10,000. Or, view by Zip 32696 lot square feet / acreage: Up to 10,000; 10,001 to 21,780 (half acre); 21,781 to 43,560 (acre); More than 43,560 (more than an acre)