Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease in Zip 33178 Page 1 of 4

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Listed: 12200 NW South River Dr, Medley, Florida 33178

12200 NW South River Dr, Medley, Florida 33178

*** CALL TO OFFERS: 11/17** Fausto Commercial is excited to introduce Sunshine Plaza of South Florida, a ...
*** CALL TO OFFERS: 11/17** Fausto Commercial is excited to introduce Sunshine Plaza of South Florida, a ...
Fausto Commercial Realty Consultants Inc
Listed: 8720 NW 93rd St, Medley, Florida 33178

8720 NW 93rd St, Medley, Florida 33178

Opportunity to acquire 1.54 Acres in the prime location of Medley FL, close to all major roadways Florida...
Opportunity to acquire 1.54 Acres in the prime location of Medley FL, close to all major roadways Florida...
Horizon Homes Realty Corp
Listed: 6366 NW 99th Ave # 14, Doral, Florida 33178

6366 NW 99th Ave # 14, Doral, Florida 33178

Florida Realty of Miami Corp
Listed: 12268 & 12278 NW 106th Ct # 12268, Medley, Florida 33178

12268 & 12278 NW 106th Ct # 12268, Medley, Florida 33178

Welcome to 12268 NW 106 Ct, Medley, FL—a prime industrial property within the bustling industrial h...
Welcome to 12268 NW 106 Ct, Medley, FL—a prime industrial property within the bustling industrial h...
Fausto Commercial Realty Consultants Inc
Listed: 6344 NW 99th Ave, Doral, Florida 33178

6344 NW 99th Ave, Doral, Florida 33178

Amazing warehouse/Office combination remodeled
Amazing warehouse/Office combination remodeled
FL Real Estate Brokerage
Listed: 6020 NW 99th Ave # 309, Doral, Florida 33178

6020 NW 99th Ave # 309, Doral, Florida 33178

Welcome to your next business expansion opportunity! Located in the heart of Doral, Florida\'s bustling i...
Welcome to your next business expansion opportunity! Located in the heart of Doral, Florida\'s bustling i...
Luxury Level Realty Group, LLC.
Listed: 6020 NW 99th Ave # 302, Doral, Florida 33178

6020 NW 99th Ave # 302, Doral, Florida 33178

This wonderful warehouse combination located in the heart of Doral features 2 office spaces with individu...
This wonderful warehouse combination located in the heart of Doral features 2 office spaces with individu...
Great Properties International LLC
Listed: 0, Miami, Florida 33178

0, Miami, Florida 33178

These 5 acres of vacant land are ready for an investor with a vision, a speculator who can wait for the r...
These 5 acres of vacant land are ready for an investor with a vision, a speculator who can wait for the r...
The Keyes Company
Listed: NW S River DR & NW 112th Way, Medley, Florida 33178

NW S River DR & NW 112th Way, Medley, Florida 33178

Don\'t miss out on this prime chance to acquire an 11,323 square foot parcel situated at the intersection...
Don\'t miss out on this prime chance to acquire an 11,323 square foot parcel situated at the intersection...
Vivo Real Estate Group, Inc.
Listed: 10800 NW 106th St # 12, Medley, Florida 33178

10800 NW 106th St # 12, Medley, Florida 33178

Furnished call center with cubicles, partitions & chairs, ready to plug hardware and operate. 7500 SF...
Furnished call center with cubicles, partitions & chairs, ready to plug hardware and operate. 7500 SF...
NV Group, Inc.
Listed: 10600 NW 37th Ter, Doral, Florida 33178

10600 NW 37th Ter, Doral, Florida 33178

Premium Warehouse/Offices-Lease, best area of Doral. Total SF is 6,700SF Divided as follows: 5,300SF of W...
Premium Warehouse/Offices-Lease, best area of Doral. Total SF is 6,700SF Divided as follows: 5,300SF of W...
Outlook Realty
Listed: 3620 NW 115th Ave # 3620, Doral, Florida 33178

3620 NW 115th Ave # 3620, Doral, Florida 33178

6,410 SF Total with 1,250 SF Office, Reception/1 Private Office/Restroom (1st Floor), 2 Small Offices/Exe...
6,410 SF Total with 1,250 SF Office, Reception/1 Private Office/Restroom (1st Floor), 2 Small Offices/Exe...
The Katsikos Group, Inc.

The listings above for commercial real estate in Miami area zip code Zip 33178 may be filtered by property type - retail, industrial, multifamily, office, or land, or for businesses for sale only - by clicking on the buttons above the listings. Listings in this site can also be filtered by municipality, zoning, building square feet, and lot square feet. You may also want to view the 113 off-market / non-MLS listings - this off-market non-MLS listings section is another proprietary development by Hawkins - in the Doral / Hialeah zone, which includes this zip code 33178.

View zip 33178 listings by property square feet: less than 2,499; 2,500 to 4,999; 5,000 to 9,999; More than 10,000. Or, view by Zip 33178 lot square feet / acreage: Up to 10,000; 10,001 to 21,780 (half acre); 21,781 to 43,560 (acre); More than 43,560 (more than an acre)