Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease with Zoning Ru-5a in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County Page 2 of 2

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Listed: 2627 NE 203rd St # 214, Miami, Florida 33180

Immerse in comfort and professionalism with our tailored office rental and virtual address package, perfe...
Immerse in comfort and professionalism with our tailored office rental and virtual address package, perfe...
Miami Realty Solution Group
Listed: 9175 SW 87th Ave # 9175, Miami, Florida 33176

9175 SW 87th Ave # 9175, Miami, Florida 33176

Fully and beautifully built out, Plastic Surgery center with surgical suites and clinic in one! Redwood M...
Fully and beautifully built out, Plastic Surgery center with surgical suites and clinic in one! Redwood M...
Coldwell Banker Realty
Listed: 9595 N Kendall Dr # 211, Miami, Florida 33176

• Building security\r\n• On-site property management and maintenance personnel\r\n• Strate...
• Building security\r\n• On-site property management and maintenance personnel\r\n• Strate...
E. L. S. Realty Corp.
Listed: 10631 N Kendall Dr # 125, Miami, Florida 33176

10631 N Kendall Dr # 125, Miami, Florida 33176

This inviting 1,347 square foot office space, conveniently located on the first floor, features a welcomi...
This inviting 1,347 square foot office space, conveniently located on the first floor, features a welcomi...
Luxe Properties

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