Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease with Zoning T5 L in Miami Page 2 of 2

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Listed: 230 NE 57th St, Miami, Florida 33137

230 NE 57th St, Miami, Florida 33137

Corner lot a block away from NE 2nd Ave in the heart of little Haiti. Three blocks away from the little H...
Corner lot a block away from NE 2nd Ave in the heart of little Haiti. Three blocks away from the little H...
EXP Realty, LLC
Listed: 236 NE 58th Ter, Miami, Florida 33137

Great deal for built or investment property!
Great deal for built or investment property!
Whitehall Realty Advisors LLC
Listed: 1250 NW 22nd Ave, Miami, Florida 33125

1250 NW 22nd Ave, Miami, Florida 33125

Prime waterfront lot for rent! Contact listing agent for details
Prime waterfront lot for rent! Contact listing agent for details
Luxuri International Real Estate Miami, LLC.
Listed: 5700 NE 4th Ave, Miami, Florida 33137

5700 NE 4th Ave, Miami, Florida 33137

Located in Miami’s Upper East Side, a neighborhood settled between Buena Vista and Little River, 57...
Located in Miami’s Upper East Side, a neighborhood settled between Buena Vista and Little River, 57...
Gridline Properties

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