This is a news story only, not a listing.
It has been officially reported that the property located at 17670 NW 78 Ave 114 in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, frequently referred to as just "Miami" within zip code 33015 and with the folio number 30-0100-026-0340 sold on April 07, 2021. The sale type was recorded as "Corrective, tax or QCD; min consideration." Selling prices of properties as recorded at the property appraiser frequently do not represent the whole story; thus full transaction details should be confirmed with the parties. Specific information about the buyer and seller in this transaction may be found by navigating to our property appraiser links for this property, clicking through on the link to "Main Page with Lot Outline, Aerial Views," then clicking through on the applicable sale on the date April 07, 2021 and with an amount of $100.00 about two thirds down the page, under the heading "Sales Information."
When considering this 17670 NW 78 Ave 114 property sale one should consider other properties within its zip code 33015, some of which are currently for sale in this same zip code, as well as off-market listings in the area. Information on prior sales of area properties as well as current listings can be useful to gauge area pricing, but are not perfectly reliable. Current zip code 33015 demographics information, with a dizzying array of charts, can be informative, as can the Zip Code 33015 Commercial Property Investment Profile page, displaying metrics on sales trends, turnover, and more.
It can also prove insightful to view other commercial property holdings of and other information related to the property's recent ownership . Finally, a review of nearby businesses and resources and area traffic levels can be insightful, allowing the prospective buyer to quickly get a feel for area commerce and resources.
A birdseye view of the property is displayed above and a street map of the location is below. Additional information on this property, including other sales transactions amounts and links directly to pages for this property at the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser website, can be found at this site's information page for this property. Note that the above birdseye aerial view and map herein were generated using the address recorded with the county property appraiser for the folio entered for this listing and that they are provided on a best efforts basis only and are not guaranteed.
Other places to find news stories related to Miami area commercial real estate include BisNow, The Real Deal, Globe Street, and Google News.Update: This 17670 NW 78 Ave 114 property in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County within the zip code 33015 in Florida has subsequently been reported by the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser to have 1,584 adjusted square feet of building that was built in 2007 showing an effective year built (also) of 2007. This 1,584 square footage (adjusted) of building put it in the 0 to 2,500 square feet range. Further, again on a date after the sale, the property is referenced by Miami-Dade county as zoned 6100 - COMMERCIAL - NEIGHBORHOOD with a land use of 1818 - OFFICE BUILDING - MULTISTORY : CONDOMINIUM - COMMERCIAL. This Miami-Dade reference for zoning is believed to translate into BU-1 zoning in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida, information about which may be found here. Any such (BU-1 zoned properties) in may be found here. Note that since this was reported subsequent to the sale, it is possible these were different at the time of the sale.
This information is provided on a best-efforts basis alone. Do not rely on this to make an investment or real estate related decision.
Interested in this property located at 17670 NW 78 Ave 114, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida 33015, or a property like it? This is a news story only, not a listing, but the owner of this site, James Hawkins, can nevertheless help you with your commercial real estate services needs, whether buying, selling, tenant representation, or landlord representation. Just contact James Hawkins
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NOTE: This is a commercial real estate sales new story only - NOT a listing - about
the April 07, 2021 sale of the commercial real estate property with Miami-Dade folio number 30-0100-026-0340 (3020100260340 without the dashes) and an address of 17670 NW 78 Ave 114 in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, frequently referred to as just "Miami", Florida 33015.