This is is an information page only, not a listing. Information on this page was assembled from public records.
Below are addresses of commercial properties located within the Miami area (Miami-Dade county) that appear to be owned or that were recently owned by OAKS PLAZA LTD. Below the listed properties are links to relevant owner searches in Google, Bing, and, the State of Florida's official business entity index and commercial activity website.
The Properties:
14125 NW 80 AVE, Miami Lakes, FL 33016Sales · Property Tax Info · Nearby Establishments
Zoning · Legal Description · Owner · Birdseye · More
Owner Address: 6500 COWPEN RD STE 202, MIAMI LAKES, FL 33016
This is is an information page only, not a listing. Information on this page was assembled from public records.
Search Google:
Search Bing:
Under the headings "Search Google," Search Bing," and "Search are preformatted links to search for OAKS PLAZA LTD in Google, Bing, and, respectively. Most, but not all, Miami area commercial properties are owned by a Florida LLC or corporation. Where a corporation or LLC is listed as the owner, searching is likely the best place to start your search. In the site, Florida LLCs and corporations will list officers and a registered agent, with addresses.
Clicking on any owner's address will take you to a page with listings of properties sharing the same owner's address. On that page one will also find links to Google, Google Maps, and Bing searches for that owner's mailing address.
Interested in a property on this page? Perhaps you are interested in whether this property might be for sale or at least could be acquired at a price that would make sense for you or are just interested in the property for comparison or window shopping purposes. These pages are informational pages only about the commercial properties profiled. If you have an interest in a commercial property of any kind, whether to purchase it or otherwise, contact James Hawkins:
James Hawkins
Miami Area Commercial Property Listings
Miami Off-Market Commercial Real Estate Listings