This is is an information page only, not a listing. Information on this page was gathered from public records.
This page lists properties owned or recently owned by NA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC and located within Miami-Dade county, with each listing linked to another page with detailed information about the property. For more information, contact James Hawkins:
As one that regularly works with commercial property buyers, James will first check to see if the property is publicly listed or offered as an off-market listing or pocket listing. If not, James will work to reach and negotiate with the owner of the property to identify a price at which the property might be for acquired. If the property cannot be secured at a suitable price, James will then tap into his resources and contacts to find a similar property to meet your requirements.
Clicking through on any property will take you to a page with an abundance of information useful to a commercial real estate investor. This includes commercial property data such as the property's Miami-Dade county folio number, which is displayed with links to the property's Miami-Dade country property record cards, a tax comparison tool (generally versus the prior tax year), a page showing comparable sales of property in the area, a page with TRIM notices (if any) for the property, a page listing any non-ad valorem assessments, and finally, a page displaying tax roll detailed information. Also to be found on this page of information is links to information about the zip code the property is in including pages of other properties in the same zip code, demographics and economic data and projections, commercial properties listed within, and a post listing the top buyers, sellers, and a multi-year chart of sales volume of commercial properties within its shared zip code. Also one may find the legal description of the property, information about the size of the building and lot for the property, ownership information, both the name and address, and prior sales information. Maps for the property, showing the location at the top, then other maps showing nearby businesses, are embedded within the page as well.
This site is operated by Hawkins Commercial Realty in Miami, Florida.
Covering Miami Commercial Real Estate
Within these pages, not only will you find information about properties owned now or at some point in the past by NA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC, you may find infomation related to all kinds of Miami area commercial real estate in numbers of Miami area zip codes. Most specifically, you will find information about retail, multifamily, office, and industrial property in the Miami, Florida area. This will include information about lease rates, price trends, closed transactions, rumored transactions, economic statistics, capitalization rates, vacancy rates, rental rates, and development related to commercial real estate in the Miami area.