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We maintain what we believe to be the only proper database of off-market commercial property listings in South Florida. Each listing contributes to a quantity of properties available for a general type of property. This general type specifies a commercial property type, industrial, multifamily, office, retail, or vacant commercial land, a square footage range, and a region of South Florida. This off-market inventory is displayed in pages accessible from our off-market / non-MLS listings page as well as via links from listings and property information pages within our site, one of the most highly trafficked and surely the most comprehensive site related to Miami area commercial real estate, as well as in customized maps we create as a service to buyers.
The specific details of these listings are generally only available to prospective buyers after execution of a non-circumvent and non-disclosure agreement. To add your property to our off-market list, review the following agreement, then enter your property and seller (your) information and click the "agree" button at the bottom to agree. Please note, this is for owners only, not for their brokers.
Commission Agreement for Non-Exclusive Off-Market Listing
Contact: James Hawkins - - 786.581.7990
("Seller/Landlord") agrees that Hawkins Commercial Realty ("Broker") may show and will use diligent effort to sell or lease Seller's/Landlord's Property located at ("Property") to prospective buyers or tenants to be disclosed subsequent to execution of this agreement ("Prospect").
In the event the Property is sold, optioned, contracted, or leased to any prospect procured by Broker, on March 12, 2025 or within 270 days therafter or within 180 days after having been disclosed pursuant to this agreement, Seller/Landlord agrees to pay Broker 6% of the gross purchase price of the Property plus 7% of the gross lease value of a lease executed regarding the Property.
Seller/Landlord will pay Broker's fee in the event of sale, at time of closing the sale; or in the event of lease, at time of lease execution. Broker's fee is due if Seller/Landlord defaults on an executed sales contract or lease with Prospect or if Seller/Landlord agrees with Prospect to cancel an executed sales contract or lease. In any litigation arising out of this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and expenses.
If the Property is commercial real estate as defined by Section 475.701, Florida Statutes, the following disclosure will apply: The Florida Commercial Real Estate Sales Commission Lien Act provides that when a broker has earned a commission by performing licensed services under a brokerage agreement with you, the broker may claim a lien against your net sales proceeds for the broker's commission. The broker's lien rights under the act cannot be waived before the commission is earned.
If the Property is commercial real estate as defined by Section 475.801, Florida Statutes, the following disclosure will apply: The Florida Commercial Real Estate Leasing Commission Lien Act provides that when a broker has earned a commission by performing licensed services under a brokerage agreement with you, the broker may claim a lien against your interest in the property for the broker's commission. The broker's lien rights under the act cannot be waived before the commission is earned.
Each person signing this Agreement on behalf of a business entity represents that such person is duly authorized to bind such business entity and its affiliates to this Agreement.
Broker Address:
Hawkins Commercial Realty
1101 Brickell Avenue
South Tower 800
Miami, FL 33131
Contact: James Hawkins, Principal Broker
Phone: 786.581.7990