This information is provided on a best-efforts basis alone. Do not rely on this to make an investment or real estate related decision.
Maps of Nearby Businesses and Resources:
Maps of nearby businesses and essential resources are displayed below as an indication of local commerce. These show locations of nearby Starbucks, McDonald's, hospitals, and schools near the commercial property located at , FL . This is not a listing for the property at , , FL , Miami-Dade folio number , but if you are interested in commercial properties in the area or otherwise like it, or in whether this property is listed or, if not, if the owner might be open to selling or leasing it, we can help you. This particular property may or may not be for sale. If you are interested in information about this property, contact James Hawkins (phone 786-581-7990).
This is an information page only, not a listing.
Nearby Businesses:
Map shows businesses near commercial property at , FL
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Nearby Starbucks:
Map displays Starbucks nearest the commercial property at , FL
View map on Google
Nearby McDonalds:
Map notes locations of McDonalds that are most near the property at , FL
View map on Google
Nearby Hospitals:
Map shows hospitals that are located near , FL
View map on Google
Nearby Schools:
Map shows schools nearby to the commercial property at , FL
View map on Google

Hawkins Commercial Realty
As a commercial real estate professional Realtor that regularly works with commercial property buyers, James Hawkins will first look to see if the property is publicly listed in any of several listing platforms or offered as an off-market listing or pocket listing. If not, James will work to contact the owner of the commercial real estate property to find a price at which this property might be purchased. If the property cannot be bought at a price that works for your objectives, James Hawkins will then utilize his various resources and contacts to identify a property that can be purchased and likewise meet your requirements.