12385 SW 129 Ct 16, Miami (Unincorporated Miami-Dade County), FL 33186

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NOTE: This is NOT a listing. It is an information page only. Information on this page was assembled from public records. Hawkins Commercial Realty does not own or manage this property and does not have any agreement, listing or otherwise, on this property. We do help clients pursue properties that are not listed and thus may be able to assist with attemtping to secure this property or properties like this, but this is not known to be available. This is merely public records information.

Property Information - NOT a Listing

This is not a listing, but an informational page only for the property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186-6407, Miami-Dade folio #3059140910320. This property may or may not be for sale. Information on this page is aggregated from public records. If you would like us to look into whether the owner(s) of this property might be interested in selling it or to see if there are other properties like this one that might be available for purchase, contact James Hawkins (phone 786-581-7990).

This is an information page only, not a listing.

Miami-Dade County Folio Number 3059140910320/30-9140-091-0320
Municipality 30
Township 55
Range 39
Section 14
Subdivision 910
Parcel 0320
Property Address 12385 SW 129 CT 16
Property City Unincorporated Miami-Dade County
Property Zip 33186-6407
Birdseye | Traffic | Businesses Near
Links for Property's 33186 Zip Code:
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33186 Commercial Property Investment Profile
Top Buyers, Sellers, Sales Volume
Year 2023
Land $0
Bldg $0
Total $220,049
Assessed $135,157
County Taxable $135,157
City Taxable $0
MillCode 3000
Property is an industrial condo.
Municipal Zoning IU-C (Unincorporated Miami-Dade County)
Unincorporated Miami-Dade County IU-C Props | IU-C Info | Listed IU-C
Owner 2
Mailing Address 944 SAN PEDRO AVE
Mailing City MIAMI
Mailing State FL
Mailing Zip 33156-6364
Mailing Country
Full Legal (Lines Concatenated) KENDALL COMMERCE CENTER CONDO UNIT 16 BLDG 2 UNDIV 3.125% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 22028-4500 COC 22428-0587 06 2004 1
Adjusted Sq Ft 1,117
Lot Size 0
Stories 0
Units 0
Year Built 2004
Effective Year Built 2004
Last Recorded Sale
Sale Type Sales type info not available
Sale Qual Q
Sale Date 06/01/2004
Sale Amt $110,850.00
Living Sq Ft 1,117
Actual Sq Ft 1,117

This information is provided on a best-efforts basis alone. Do not rely on this to make an investment or real estate related decision.

Maps of Nearby Businesses and Resources:

Maps of nearby businesses and essential resources are displayed below as an indication of local commerce. These show locations of nearby Starbucks, McDonald's, hospitals, and schools near the commercial property located at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186. This is not a listing for the property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186, Miami-Dade folio number 3059140910320, but if you are interested in commercial properties in the area or otherwise like it, or in whether this property is listed or, if not, if the owner might be open to selling or leasing it, we can help you. This particular property may or may not be for sale. If you would like to receive more information about this property, contact James Hawkins (phone 786-581-7990).

This is an information page only, not a listing.

Nearby Businesses:
Map shows businesses near commercial property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186

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Nearby Starbucks:
Map displays Starbucks nearest the commercial property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186

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Nearby McDonalds:
Map notes locations of McDonalds that are most near the property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186

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Nearby Hospitals:
Map shows hospitals that are located near 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186

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Nearby Schools:
Map shows schools nearby to the commercial property at 12385 SW 129 CT 16, Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, FL 33186

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Properties of the Same Type That Have Sold Nearby in the Past Couple of Years
Address Sq Ft Acres Date Price
650 W 20 ST, Hialeah, FL 3301030,3801.4312/23/2022$6,750,000
Type: Qual by exam of deed
2470 W 3 AVE, Hialeah, FL 330104,9160.2912/21/2022$1,299,000
Type: Qual by exam of deed
1775 W OKEECHOBEE RD, Hialeah, FL 3301053,6771.9212/17/2022$11,800,000
Type: Qual by exam of deed
Commercial real estate values can and do vary dramatically for reasons that go well beyond proximity, generaly type of property, square footage, and lot size. The above list of properties of the same type that have sold nearby in the past couple of years should not be deemed to be a reliable set of comps. Nevertheless, this might - or might not - serve as a rough starting point to gauge market value.

Interested in this 0 square feet commercial property sitting on 0 square feet of land (both building and land square footage are per Miami-Dade County website) located at , Florida ? Perhaps you are interested in whether this property might be for sale or at least could be acquired at a price that would make sense for you or are just interested in the property for comparison or window shopping purposes. This page is an informational page only - not a listing - about the commercial property.located at , Florida in zip code . However, if you have an interest in this property of any kind, whether to purchase it or otherise, contact James Hawkins via email or by telephone:

James Hawkins | Hawkins Commercial Real Estate | Miami, Florida James Hawkins
Hawkins Commercial Realty

As a commercial real estate professional Realtor that regularly works with commercial property buyers, James Hawkins will first look to see if the property is publicly listed in any of several listing platforms or offered as an off-market listing or pocket listing. If not, James will work to contact the owner of the commercial real estate property to find a price at which this property might be purchased. If the property cannot be bought at a price that works for your objectives, James Hawkins will then utilize his various resources and contacts to identify a property that can be purchased and likewise meet your requirements.