Home» Listings» Doral / Hialeah Zone» 33172» 11401 NW 12th St
Established Car Wash in Great Location. Finest Hand Car Wash serving the patrons visiting the Dolphin Mall and nearby community. Finest Hand Car Wash run by a partnership. The Partnership has been serving the area since 2017 and the hand car wash business has increased profits every year. This opportunity to purchase this growing business and quickly gain market penetration for increased profits. Car wash has space for servicing 8 vehicles at a time. Business includes all inventory. Targets three main groups of customers: individual car owner and leasers, car dealerships, and local businesses. AGENTS: SEE BROKER REMARKS
NOTE: This is a listing for a business. With business listings, real estate can be included, but frequently is not.
This listing is courtesy of Cristina Lopez at Optimar International Realty em:cristinaflahomes@gmail.com ph:786-346-3157.
More detailed information, including prior sales, lot and building square footage per the county, zoning, traffic maps, nearby businesses, and more related to the Miami-Dade county property folio associated with this commercial property listing, which in most cases would be for the listed property, is displayed below. This is not provided by the listing broker or agent, but is information obtained independently from the county for the folio number 2530310270010 entered for this listing by the listing broker / listing agent. Importantly, always verify information. This county information is not updated regularly. Thus, some of the information may have changed since it was obtained. Information herein is provided on a best efforts basis only. Do not rely on it to make an investment decision.
Miami-Dade County Information for Folio 25-0310-027-0010 (2530310270010)*
Links to Miami-Dade Lot Outline, Aerial Views, Tax Records
Property Location*
Address: 11401 NW 12 St
City: Sweetwater
State: Florida
Zip Code: 33172-0000 (Listings)
County: Miami-Dade (Listings)
Building Size - English*
Living Square Feet: 2,512,642
Actual Square Feet: 2,512,642
Adjusted Square Feet: 2,508,038
Lot Size - English*
Lot Size (sf): 4,389,968
Lot Size (acres): 100.78
Building Size - Metric*
Living Square Meters: 233,431.98
Actual Square Meters: 233,431.98
Adjusted Sq M: 233,004.25
Lot Size - Metric*
Lot Size (sq m): 407,841
Lot Size (ha): 40.78
Zoning & Land Use*
Land Use: 1517 - Regional Shopping Center : Commercial - Total Value
Zoning: 6400 - Commercial - Central
Municipal Zoning: COMMERCIAL - CENTRAL (Sweetwater)
All Listed | All Properties
Prior Sale*
Type: Federal, state or local government agency
Qual: U
Date: 04/18/2022
Amount: $132,300
Prior Sale #2* (Second to Last)
Type: Federal, state or local government agency
Qual: U
Date: 03/22/2012
Amount: $227,800
Taxable Values*
Tax Year: 2023
Land: $0
Building: $0
Total: $469,128,500
Assessed: $436,205,000
County Taxable: $436,205,000
City Taxable: $436,205,000
Mill Code: 2500
Owner 1: Dolphin Mall Assoc Ltd Prtshp
Owner 2: % The Taubman Co -retax Dept-
Mailing Address: 200 East Long Lake Road
Mailing City: Bloomfield Hills
Mailing State: Mi
Mailing Zip: 48303
Building Information*
Stories: 5
Year Built: 2000
Effective Year Built: 2000
Extra Features 1: Chill Water A/c (aprox 300 Sqft/ton)
Extra Features 2: Paving - Asphalt
Extra Features 3: Sprinkler System/auto - Wet
Legal Description*
Legal Description Concatenated: DOLPHIN MALL PB 156-82 T-20071 TRACTS A & B LESS PORT AS DESC ON OR 18730-4209 ON PAGE 4259 & PORT OF TR A DESC BEG 386.01FTS & 133.31FTE OF W1/4 COR OF SEC 31 53
*This Miami-Dade county folio information was recently obtained for the folio number entered on this listing by the listing broker, which usually is correct, but not always. This information is not represented as or warranted to be accurate or current. Verify this and all information about this property independently. Do not rely on it to make an investment decision.
Business Opportunity
11401 NW 12th St, Sweetwater, Florida 33172