Home» Listings» Doral / Hialeah Zone» 33166» 7791 NW 46th St # 321
Elegant office consisting of 2 units 321 and 322 with 1,948 sqft in total, ideal for corporations looking to have private offices, conference room, open room for their work team, kitchen, 10 assigned parking spaces, modern space, offices are unfurnished, but if the property is rented with furniture the rental price changes.
This listing is courtesy of Ines Carreno at Homes Real Estate Group Inc. em:inescarreno@hotmail.com ph:786-556-2789.
More detailed information, including prior sales, lot and building square footage per the county, zoning, traffic maps, nearby businesses, and more related to the Miami-Dade county property folio associated with this commercial property listing, which in most cases would be for the listed property, is displayed below. This is not provided by the listing broker or agent, but is information obtained independently from the county for the folio number 3530220261180 entered for this listing by the listing broker / listing agent. Importantly, always verify information. This county information is not updated regularly. Thus, some of the information may have changed since it was obtained. Information herein is provided on a best efforts basis only. Do not rely on it to make an investment decision.
Miami-Dade County Information for Folio 35-0220-026-1180 (3530220261180)*
Links to Miami-Dade Lot Outline, Aerial Views, Tax Records
Property Location*
Address: 7791 NW 46 St 321
City: Doral
State: Florida
Zip Code: 33166-5461 (Listings)
County: Miami-Dade (Listings)
Building Size - English*
Living Square Feet: 983
Actual Square Feet: 983
Adjusted Square Feet: 983
Lot Size - English*
Lot Size (sf): 0
Lot Size (acres): 0.00
Building Size - Metric*
Living Square Meters: 91.32
Actual Square Meters: 91.32
Adjusted Sq M: 91.32
Lot Size - Metric*
Lot Size (sq m): 0
Lot Size (ha): 0.00
Zoning & Land Use*
Land Use: 1818 - Office Building - Multistory : Condominium - Commercial
Zoning: 7300 - Industrial - Heavy Mfg
Municipal Zoning: INDUSTRIAL - HEAVY MFG (Doral)
All Listed | All Properties
Prior Sale*
Type: Qual on DOS, multi-parcel sale
Qual: Q
Date: 10/20/2022
Amount: $717,500
Taxable Values*
Tax Year: 2023
Land: $0
Building: $0
Total: $253,614
Assessed: $253,614
County Taxable: $253,614
City Taxable: $253,614
Mill Code: 3500
Owner 1: Tcs Properties 7791 Llc
Mailing Address: 4448 Nw 7 St
Mailing City: Miami
Mailing State: Fl
Mailing Zip: 33126
Mailing Country: USA
Building Information*
Stories: 0
Year Built: 2001
Effective Year Built: 2001
Legal Description*
Legal Description Concatenated: PALMETTO WEST PARK CONDO UNIT 321 UNDIV 0.00286% IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 19536-0076AMD#25168-1190
*This Miami-Dade county folio information was recently obtained for the folio number entered on this listing by the listing broker, which usually is correct, but not always. This information is not represented as or warranted to be accurate or current. Verify this and all information about this property independently. Do not rely on it to make an investment decision.
Commercial Sale
7791 NW 46th St # 321, Doral, Florida 33166