In this chart one can see that the T3 group of Miami 21 urban commercial zones, which includes T3-L, T3-R, and T3-O, is the most common zoning, followed by T6-8, then T5, and T4, whichT6-60 is the least common, followed by the most dense T6-80.
If one looks at the same set of parcels, but excludes that which is currently being used for a single family residence and thus has not yet been put to commercial use, the chart looks a bit different:

The most evident change when the single family use properties are excluded is that the T3 zoning group becomes a distinctly smaller share, though still the largest, and the denser zones have grown. Why would this be? It is because a large portion of T3 land in Miami as well as some portion of T4 and T5 zoned land has not yet been put to commercial use. As one can see in a chart in the previous post, Percent of Miami 21 Urban/Commercial Zoned Land that Remains Residential, by Zone, more than half of T3-O and more than 85% of T3-R zoned parcels still have single family residences on them.
Related Resources
- Interactive Map: Land Sales psf by Miami 21 Zoning Code
- Listings by Miami 21 Code & Other Miami 21 Resources
This information is provided on a best efforts basis only.