James Hawkins, Author at Hawkins Commercial Realty • Page 8 of 45

Charts: Atlanta Fed Graphically Represents What You Already Know; Business is Down, Uncertainty is Up

Jun 27, 2020 - Uncategorized - 0 Comments - Standard

Certainly these could be characterized as the “duh charts” in this environment. Business is obviously down, and uncertainty is up. That is not news. It is nonetheless interesting to see this all graphically represented. It also serves to remind one that that uncertainty means only what it means, not certain. Put differently, it simply means […]

Chart: April 1 Miami-Dade Unemployment Level Displays COVID-19 Effect

May 27, 2020 - Economy - 0 Comments - Standard

The effects of coronavirus are clearly evident in the April unemployment rate spike in Miami-Dade as of April 1, 2020. At 11.95, the level of unemployment has yet to reach the 12.4% level reached in August 2009. Given the effects of coronavirus on commerce, however, the May 1 numbers, once released, will surely exceed that […]

Charts: Commercial Property Inquiries Rebounding from COVID-19 Decline

May 27, 2020 - Trends - 0 Comments - Standard

Almost to the minute I posted about how commercial property inquiries had gone over a cliff, noting it as worthy of duh-chuckle categorization, inquiries began to rebound. This one could go in the category of “Whuuut?” As I mentioned in that prior post, if you know me, you know I’m a data hound. I collect […]

Commercial Borrowing Cost: Rate Watch for April 30, 2020

May 01, 2020 - Economy, Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

At the end of April of 2019, intermediate yields remain at lows reached in recent weeks. This has, of course, been driven by reduced economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As can be seen in the accompanying chart, five year rates, which are most closely tracked for commercial property borrowing cost, found themselves under […]

Charts: Commercial Property Inquiries Decline with COVID-19

Apr 27, 2020 - Trends - 0 Comments - Standard

I considered setting up a new topic category for this called “duh.” Chuckle. If you know me, you know I’m a bit of a data hound. I collect and manipulate data as a tool. One set of data I maintain is various types of selling activity, which I log throughout each day. It isn’t perfect, […]

Miami-Dade March Unemployment Numbers Displaying Initial COVID-19 Spike

Apr 15, 2020 - Economy - 0 Comments - Standard

As can be seen in the accompanying chart, after years of steady decline, the unemployment rate spiked notably in March of 2020. This surely is caused by the earlier stages of the COVID-19 Pandemics, and thus will likely be even higher in April. Higher unemployment is bad for the economy, and in turn for commercial […]

The Tight Inventory of Newer 7-10k sf Light Industrial Properties

Mar 20, 2020 - Industrial - 0 Comments - Standard

In my practice I’ve noticed a dearth of moderate sized, 7,000 to 10,000 square feet, light industrial properties. There are numbers of older properties, many of which predate the widespread use of the container ship and the consequent dominance of the modern semi-trailer truck. Older buildings frequently have lower ceilings, lack dock height loading, and […]

Covidenomics: The Morbid Reason the 1918 Spanish Influenza Caused Wages to Increase

Mar 11, 2020 - Economy - 0 Comments - Standard

A recent post by the St. Louis Fed, The Economic Effects of a Pandemic, discussed the economic effects of the Spanish Influenza of 1918-1920, referencing the chart, embedded herein, of average hourly earnings in various United States sectors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Spanish Flu pandemic infected about a third […]

Tenant Representation: The Importance of a Landlord Deck / Prospective Tenant Package

Jan 15, 2020 - Negotiating - 0 Comments - Standard

Years ago I was the owner of multi-unit franchise territory for Aaron’s Sales & Lease Ownership stores. My territory was in New England, initially in the northern part of metro Boston, then later extending to cities in southern Maine. Upon executing an agreement for territory with the franchisor, I began driving my markets, getting to […]

Video: Tour the New Venture X Co-Sharing Location in Downtown Doral

Jan 15, 2020 - Property Profiles - 0 Comments - Standard

In this short video, Dade Construction presents a tour of the new Venture X space at 8350 NW 52 Terrace, Suite 301, in Downtown Doral. Venture X is a co-sharing franchise with locations in Texas and Florida (so far?). The company was founded by entrepreneur and real estate investor David Diamond and his son Brett Diamond. As […]