About: Technical Capabilities

About » Technical Capabilities

If you’ve had much exposure to me, you’ve likely realized that I’m more technologically inclined than most, and certainly more so than others involved in commercial real estate. I’ve long made every effort to use technology as a tool, and as someone highly autodidactic in nature, I’ve made an effort to learn new technologies as they’ve come along. I am extremely proficient with MS Excel, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, WordPress, and HTML, highly proficient with PHP, MySQL, and moderately proficient with CSS, Javascript, JQuery, and Apache.

The vast majority of my knowledge has been accumulated through use and practice, enhanced by training from The New Boston, online tutorials offered by various universities, and Codecademy. I participate on the technology help site StackOverflow, having accumulated a considerable number of points by participating in questions related to MySQL, WordPress, Apache, PHP, and more, answering a number of tricky technical questions that have stumped some user or another, something I do from time to time as my version of a crossword puzzle. This accumulation of points earned me a StackOverflow participant level of Critic, which comes with enhanced capabilities not available to others. I’ve utilized technology in creative ways to enhance my productivity throughout my adult life, from creating specialty applications for serving hedge fund clients while at Morgan Stanley to inventory optimizing and ordering applications for my specialty retailing franchise business to a wide variety of novel applications for my technology related endeavors. Today, this accumulated knowledge and experience helps me to serve my customers in numerous ways that result in more productive and organized efforts to help them effectively buy and sell commercial properties.

Technical capability comes into play seemingly every day in my commercial real estate sales practice. It allows me to build specific purpose applications on the fly to help customers achieve objectives, and to create tools to serve niche as well as broad market needs. This HawkinsCRE site, for starters, is among the most trafficked, if not the most trafficked, web and mobile site related to Miami area commercial real estate. I’ve developed and maintained as far as I know the only Miami area web and mobile site with commercial MLS listings that can be filtered by property type, square footage, and lot square footage. I’ve developed and maintain the only proper off-market database I know of in the area, and the only one actually designed to attract buyers from the public, all linked where most relevant from the site’s massive trove of listings and data. I am surely on of the most prolific posters, if not the most, on social media relative to Miami area commercial real estate, posting thousands of times per year on of these platforms. I’ve developed and use proprietary tools and techniques, generally hidden from public view, that provide me with tools to help customers that I believe no others have. Finally, I subscribe to premium commercial real estate data services that provide insight for customers, and importantly am skilled at how to best put them to use. All of these activities mutually reinforce each other to result in a dominant web and mobile presence, to my benefit and that of my customers.

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