Page 58 of the January 28, 2016 Miami City Commission Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda Includes the Controversial Proposed Miami 21 Zoning Changes
It was being reported that in November Miami commissioners deferred a vote until late January that would modify the Miami 21 zoning code. The changes could have made small lot development a thing of the past. As this post goes live, the City of Miami Commissioners are having their Planning and Zoning meeting, and this item is on the agenda, as can be seem in the accompanying image of page 58 of its agenda. This meeting may be viewed live now, and should be archived for viewing later, at the City of Miami’s Live and Archived City Commission Page.
With the proposed rules, the minimum lot size for a development would increase throughout the city, significantly so. This increase in minimum lot size would be as much as 20,000 square feet in Brickell. This would make it impossible for smaller projects to be undertaken.
Miami 21 zones T4 and T5 have minimums that jump to 10,000 square feet from around a thousand square feet now. Brickell in T6 would require lots of 20,000 square feet or more, a big change from the current minimum of 5,000 square feet.
The claim is that these changes are meant to follow the tenets of New Urbanism and Smart Growth. It is, nevertheless, an uncomfortable modification for owners of lots smaller than the new minimum and those engaged in smaller developments.
The proposed changes to Miami 21 are embedded below.
Those interested in the Miami 21 Zoning Code may be interested in purchasing a poster of the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas.